Who doesn't remember using a straw of some kind in order to drink something when we were growing up? It was the perfect solution because it streamlined the drinking experience, eliminated any spilling, and at least for me, it made me feel cool. To be able to drink something without spilling and being able to drink something without having to worry about choking on ice that would eventually make its way to your mouth when drinking without a straw was and still is a great luxury to have growing up.

Growing up going through adolescence and during our teachings at school we learn about how certain things are bad for the environment, unfortunately straws land in the category of things that are bad for the environment. This news coupled with the fact that sometime during your adolescence you begin to outgrow the use of straws, but just when we think all hope is lost for the straw, here comes an amazing company named Strawesome. This is a company we absolutely love, because of them I have found myself to be in love with straws once again. Strawesome specializes in making glass straws, and not only are they made of glass, and great for the environment, but they are also works of art. Not only are they great to use but they are great to look at. We received some straws that are just amazing to look at, the designs are beautiful and extremely unique.Every straw is one of a kind, handmade by a WAHM (work at home mom).
The Strawesome straws are all reusable and really easy to clean and like I mentioned before, they are great for the environment. Strawesome straws are all made of glass and are toxin-free with no BPA's or phthalates. Strawesome comes in different designs including a really cool bendy style that looks pretty cool. The glass they are made out of is the same as Pyrex dishes. The decorations on the straws also prevent them from rolling around. Strawesome also gives you a lifetime warranty on your straws. If they break, contact them and they will replace it. They come in six, eight, and ten inches. They also come in different categories like decorative, non-decorative, regular, thin, smoothie (which are thicker in order to make it easy to drink the smoothie), bent, bubble tea, cocktail and finally, colored. They also sell them in sets and you can get an optional carrying case for your straws.
Our New Strawesome collection. |
This is a great product that is both great for the environment and amazing to look at, these straws are works of art, and not many other company's can claim the same praise. My family and I really love this product, so much that I find myself staring at the different designs displayed on their
website, as well as drinking out of straws again. This company is genuinely deserves all the success they receive for their environmentally safe and extremely unique product. They definitely have my attention, and deserve yours. We like them so much that we already purchased a Family Set, a Bubble Tea Straw and a Blue Straw for our six year old. Like my six year old who loves his Strawesome straw says, "Strawesomes are really awesome!"
On a scale from 1-5, we give Strawesome a 6. Yes, we love them that much!!!
To get your very own Strawesome click
Strawesome is also giving one of Cloth Mommy's fans a straw from her Artist Collection. Please comment on this post to be entered. Please visit the
Strawesome Website and tell me which straw(s) you like best.
Must follow Cloth Mommy Tells All blog.
Extra Entry
This giveaway will end at 11:59pm on March 30th 2011. Winner will be announced on March 31st.
Good luck to everyone and thank you Strawesome for sponsoring this review and giveaway.
~Cloth Mommy & Cloth Daddy
Giveaway now closed!!!
The winner is comment #28....Amy Gier. Amy please email me at clothmommytellsall@yahoo.com with you shipping information.
Thank you everyone who participated. More giveaways will be posted this week.